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Academic Year 2024/2025

Principal's Address 

Welcome to the Coláiste Mhuire Community

We have a unique atmosphere here in Coláiste Mhuire where all of our teachers, secretaries and support staff genuinely strive to motivate and support every child to reach their full potential as a person. This is achieved through the warm, caring and welcoming environment which is clearly evident from the moment you walk into our school. Every decision we make is centred around the positivity, pride and performance of our pupils. Every one of our pupils is challenged and encouraged to reach beyond what they thought possible in order to achieve their own individual dreams.

I am extremely honoured to work alongside such kind, committed and positive people. I am privileged to lead an amazingly talented, highly motivated and dedicated team of professionals. Our inspirational teachers continually strive for excellence in their teaching and learning. This in turn raises the expectations and standards of our pupils.

More importantly, every single member of our team goes above and beyond to ensure that our pupils are equipped with coping mechanisms. In today’s world, we all face challenges that life will present from time to time. We are powerful advocates of mindfulness and positive well-being. There is a really close bond between our teachers and our pupils. We are a telling school and have embraced a culture where we always have someone to talk to, somebody to confide in. Our door is always open. As a result, we all become more trusting and understand that it is perfectly normal to have worries and concerns. By talking to each other, we learn how to bounce back and to become resilient.

Coláiste Mhuire will provide your child with the broadest array of opportunities possible, both within and outside the classroom. We pride ourselves on having a Transition Year programme that is, in our opinion, the best in the country. Our Performing Arts teachers create self-confidence in our pupils through on-stage dramatic performances, musical talent shows and performing in the school choir and band. We also have a very close association with Mullingar Arts Centre. In terms of sport, we are renowned for our great successes in Athletics and in both GAA codes.

Our Coláiste Coding provides our pupils with an arena in which they are challenged to think critically, to problem solve and to develop their digital literacy to the highest level. By combining this with our innovative Technology department and our Young Scientist programme we are developing future experts in the fastest growth area in terms of job opportunities.

The success of Coláiste Mhuire pupils is dependent on the exceptionally strong link between parents, pupils and teachers. This is your child’s home for eight hours every day. We will do everything possible to ensure that your child is safe. It is our aim that your child will be fulfilled. It is our vision that they will reach their full academic potential. It is our guarantee that they will be respected and made feel welcome. It is our hope that your child will be happy.

Keith Quinn

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